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When it comes to eye colors, most people probably think of blue, brown or green. But there are actually a variety of eye colors that are much less common. This...

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Brillenanpassung rolf. Blog


Ist die Brillenanpassung nicht korrekt, verschenkt man wertvolle Sehqualität. Dann wird plötzlich alles zur Qual: Man ist unsicher beim Autofahren, das Lesen der Speisekarte will nicht gelingen, man kann Textnachrichten am Smartphone nicht mehr entschlüsseln. Das kann das Lebensgefühl stark einschränken. Hier findest du einen Überblick über die optische und anatomische Brillenanpassung.

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DSC2954 1 1 1 rolf. Blog

Social Sustainability | Corporate Governance & more

In today’s society, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Companies and organizations are encouraged to minimize their impact on the environment and society while maintaining their business operations. An important aspect of sustainability is social sustainability. In this blog post, we will look at the concept of social sustainability and discuss how companies and organizations are acting in a socially sustainable way and what that means for society.

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Brillengroessen rolf. Blog

Glasses sizes

Once it is clear that glasses are needed (as a visual aid or even with blue light filters or for the workplace), it is a matter of finding the right glasses. And this means not only the frame, but also the size of the glasses. Because depending on the shape of your face, some sizes of glasses are flattering while others are inappropriate. In this article you will learn what to look for in different sizes of glasses, which measurements are relevant for glasses and how to find the right size for you.

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Rolf stands for quality and innovation beyond the eco-hype. We produce high quality glasses from natural materials: wood, stone and bean.

We are Rolf, an eyewear company that wants to help you see the world in a new way.

Knowledge is power. And with the right kind of knowledge, you can become a force to be reckoned with in your industry.


Sunglasses are the perfect accessory for any outfit. They can make a bold statement, add that special something to an outfit, or just make you look cool.

Are you a runner? Do you do sports? Do you just want to look good while you work out? We are here for you.

We are here to help you find the perfect glasses for your child. Whether your child wants to improve their style or just needs some extra protection from the sun, we have you covered.

Rolf Values

Plant based rolf. Blog

Plant-based materials.

Sustainable rolf. Blog

Rolf stands for quality and innovation beyond the eco-hype. We produce high quality glasses from natural materials: wood, stone and bean.

Planet Earth.

Long Lasting rolf. Blog

An essential part of our philosophy is to leave a better planet than the one we found.

Rethink. Reuse. Reduce.

Rethinking the established and sometimes even the entire industry is in our DNA. Our goal is to reduce our impact on the planet.

ROLF Values

Plant based rolf. Blog

Plant-based materials.

Rolf stands for quality and innovation beyond the eco-hype. We produce high quality glasses from natural materials: wood, stone and bean.

Sustainable rolf. Blog

Planet Earth.

An essential part of our philosophy
is to leave behind a better planet than the one we found.

Long Lasting rolf. Blog

Rethink. Reuse. Reduce.

Rethinking the established and sometimes even the entire industry is in our DNA. Our goal is to reduce our impact on the planet.